mercredi 3 décembre 2014

Jaffna Dutch Fort restoration 95 per cent complete

December 2, 2014, 12:00 pm

By Dasun Edirisinghe

Ninety five per cent of the conservation work at the Jaffna Fort carried out by the experts of Department of Archaeology had been completed, Director General of Archaeology, Dr Senarath Dissanayake said yesterday.

Dr. Dissanayake told The Island that the fort was attracting ever increasing number of local and foreign tourists as it was one of the two Dutch Forts in the world where the settlements had been constructed outside the fort. The other such Dutch Fort is in South Africa; Dr Dissanayake said adding that in all other Dutch forts including those in other parts of Sri Lanka the settlements had been built inside them

Both the Jaffna Fort and its equivalent in South Africa had been used solely for military purposes by their builders, where other buildings of Dutch settlements were constructed outside it. In Jaffna there were more than 100 such buildings constructed outside by the Dutch and later used by the British, he said.

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Jaffna Dutch Fort restoration 95 per cent complete

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