Der Checkpoint Omanthai im Norden des Landes hat die Einreise zahlreicher Touristen in den Norden abgelehnt. Trotz gebuchter Zimmer und geplanter Touren in den Norden wird es u.a. auch Touristen für unbegrenzte Zeit verweigert , den Norden zu besuchen.
Medien melden, die Begründung liege in einem 3-tägigen Aufenthalt des Präsidenten von Sri Lanka.
The Government has imposed an indefinite travel ban on visits by foreign passport holders including tourists to the North, a senior Army officer said yesterday.
The Army’s Media Director told the Sunday Times that the restrictions had been imposed in view of threats posed by some foreign passport holders who were acting in a manner detrimental to national security.
The announcement came as President Mahinda Rajapaksa today begins a three-day visit to the north where he will take part in a series of functions in Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu and Jaffna including the opening of the railway track from Pallai to Jaffna.
Medien melden, die Begründung liege in einem 3-tägigen Aufenthalt des Präsidenten von Sri Lanka.
The Government has imposed an indefinite travel ban on visits by foreign passport holders including tourists to the North, a senior Army officer said yesterday.
The Army’s Media Director told the Sunday Times that the restrictions had been imposed in view of threats posed by some foreign passport holders who were acting in a manner detrimental to national security.
The announcement came as President Mahinda Rajapaksa today begins a three-day visit to the north where he will take part in a series of functions in Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu and Jaffna including the opening of the railway track from Pallai to Jaffna.
Einreiseverbot für Touristen in den Norden
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