mardi 29 septembre 2020

Getting NullReferenceException at CometVFXController.LateUpdate

Having a problem with my career game. For some reason, apparently when a comet spawns, something is wrong because I get the following errors repeated endlessly: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at CometVFXController.LateUpdate () [0x00156] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0 UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) I can fix it temporarily by going into the save file and deleting the comet: VESSEL { pid = 54f8d0d629f941c88626240aa5329f4d persistentId = 3893921262 name = UnknownComet type = SpaceObject sit = ORBITING landed = False skipGroundPositioning = False vesselSpawning = True launchedFrom = landedAt = displaylandedAt = splashed = False met = 6225711.4006192945 lct = 6225711.4006192945 lastUT = -1 distanceTraveled = 0 root = 0 lat = 9.6270188652078712 lon = -86.927851974552311 alt = 28145353356.800259 hgt = -1 nrm = 0,1,0 rot = 0.0685398951,-0.800244808,-0.243902251,0.543527603 CoM = 0,0,0 stg = 0 prst = False ref = 0 ctrl = False PQSMin = 0 PQSMax = 0 GroupOverride = 0 OverrideDefault = False,False,False,False OverrideActionControl = 0,0,0,0 OverrideAxisControl = 0,0,0,0 OverrideGroupNames = ,,, altDispState = DEFAULT ORBIT { SMA = 630842177619.66125 ECC = 0.97469954410955661 INC = -9.688934326171875 LPE = 0 LAN = 144.62237548828125 MNA = -0.0064265099161463779 EPH = 6225711.4006192945 REF = 0 } PART { name = PotatoComet cid = 0 uid = 1738383386 mid = 1738383386 persistentId = 2014826312 launchID = 0 parent = 0 position = 0,0,0 rotation = 0,0,0,1 mirror = 1,1,1 symMethod = Radial istg = 0 resPri = 0 dstg = 0 sqor = 0 sepI = 0 sidx = 0 attm = 0 sameVesselCollision = False srfN = None, -1 mass = 150 shielded = False temp = -1 tempExt = 0 tempExtUnexp = 0 staticPressureAtm = 0 expt = 1 state = 0 attached = True autostrutMode = Off rigidAttachment = False flag = rTrf = modCost = 0 } ACTIONGROUPS { } DISCOVERY { state = 1 lastObservedTime = 6225711.4006192945 lifetime = 1147356.4636230469 refTime = 1728000 size = 6 } FLIGHTPLAN { } CTRLSTATE { } VESSELMODULES { ModularFlightIntegrator { } AxisGroupsModule { } PWBVesselModule { resource1 = resource2 = resource3 = } SnackConsumption { LastUpdateTime = 0 supplierMinerCraftId = lastMinerToDepositCraftId = } CrewRequirementVesselModule { } PksUpgradeVesselModule { lastTimeCheck = 0 } ParkingBrake { lat = 0 lon = 0 alt = 0 positionSet = False } VesselModuleSave { } KSPWheelVesselDebug { } KSPWheelDustCamera { } WorkshopManager { Workshops { } } BetterBurnTimeData { } ModuleStabilization { } CometVessel { typeName = long cometPartId = 2014826312 vfxStartDistance = 2.2105851501226423 comaWidthRatio = 1145895.1771259308 tailMaxWidthRatio = 1 tailMaxLengthRatio = 104.03748750686646 ionTailMaxWidthRatio = 0.29999999999999999 comaWidth = 2229044.1421592887 tailWidth = 2229044.1421592887 tailLength = 231904152.09215087 ionTailWidth = 668713.24264778662 hasName = False radius = 74.5837173 seed = 1738383386 numGeysers = 50 numNearDustEmitters = 125 optimizedCollider = False fragmentDynamicPressureModifier = 0 } KSPWheelVesselControl { } AlertMonitors_Module { initted = True } } } Here is the log file and the persistent.sfs file. Note that I am running about 220 mods, this is a long term career save which was upgraded from 1.8.1 Any help would be appreciated

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